Monday, March 26, 2012

日饮"Diet Coke"逾2罐减重不成反变肥

为了身材,爱美人士对于卡路里锱铢必较,标榜零卡路里的可乐(Diet Coke)也因此成为饮料界宠儿。不过美国德州大学研究发现,日饮2罐以上健怡可乐的人,10年下来腰围不减反增,增幅是不喝健怡可乐者的6倍。

由德州大学学者郝莉.菲利浦(Holly Phillips)主持的研究发现,个中原因可能是因为减少了糖份吸收,结果改变胰岛素的分泌模式,当体内血糖降低,反而刺激身体对糖份的渴望,因而吃进更多甜食,也累积过多热量。

菲利浦表示,并不是要大家拒喝添加代糖的零卡可乐,而是建议适可而止。她说,474位男女受访者当中,有不少研究对象是一天喝2罐,甚至4至5罐,因而造成如此严重的后果。该研究发表于《吃出健康》(Eating Well)杂志,由于数据实在吓人,专家建议,喝白开水最好。


Sunday, March 25, 2012

家庭主妇太厉害了!全球No.1, 一夜领220万美金!


来自墨西哥的Raquel这位家庭主妇太厉害了!再次成为全球No.1的直销商, 一夜间就领到220万美金!更不可思议的是,今年5月我们在新加坡可以接受他们的训练!我已买票了,你呢?^0^*  方法问我!
2012 年康宝莱亚太风云盛会 
强棒特邀讲师 - Raquel Cortes (主席俱乐部成员)
2010/2011 年全球康宝莱第一名顶尖直销商!

Raquel Cortes 在接触康宝莱之前是一名普通的母亲及家庭主妇,当时就不难发现她具备着创业家的精神;她说 ”除了做好我身为一名妈妈以及太太的分内工作之外,我那时还在家里兼职经营着小饰品的贩售工作。” 

透过康宝莱,Raquel 更是善用自己的创业家本能一步步为自己、她的丈夫、以及她的三个孩子们,打造出成功非凡的事业!

Raquel 的康宝莱事业稳健快速的发展着, “在加入康宝莱后的第八个月月底时” 她回忆着 “我就为自己买了人生中的第一部车子!” Raquel 蓬勃发展的事业状态甚至也打动了她的丈夫-Abraham Benitez 离开从事长达20 多年的银行业,毅然投身康宝莱事业。”我很高兴当初我做了这个决定。”他说。

而这对夫妻成功的榜样同时也激励了他们的三个孩子;他们的儿子Edgar 以及女儿Cecilia 现在已经是20K 的总裁组成员。”我们最年幼的女儿现在是推广组成员” Raquel 说 ”我们全家就是康宝莱典型的成功案例。” *


Saturday, March 24, 2012

运动与体重管理:如何可以真正发挥效果?Exercise and Weight Loss: How to make it work?


1) 只想透过增加活动量来进行体重管理是相当困难的。如果想只靠运动在一个星期中减少一磅的重量,就必须在既有的活动水准下,每天多燃烧约500大卡的热量。这不是一件简单的事。您可能要背着10磅重的背包爬上坡一个小时,或是连续游泳90分钟不停止才能达到。想要只靠增加活动量,或只靠减少热量摄取来进行体重管理,这样的效果都不会比结合饮食和运动两者的力量来得好。

2) 减少热量摄取可能会导致新陈代谢率略为降低。

3) 肌力训练可以帮助增加新陈代谢率。当人们讲到运动时,通常想到的是有氧运动,例如骑自行车、游泳或慢跑。但是肌力训练也很重要,一方面因为能够帮助您增加瘦肌肉组织,进而促进新陈代谢率,同时抵销降低热量摄取时,消耗的热量也减少的影响。

4) 当您在计算摄取和消耗的热量时,经常容易出错。人们通常会高估自己运动消耗的热量,进而低估自己所摄取的热量。这也说明为什么许多人会感到挫折,这是因为他们觉得自己都照着正确的体重管理方式,但是体重计上的数字却动也不动。

5) 您需要大量的运动才能减轻体重,但是需要更多的运动才能避免复胖。体重管理计画成功后,规律的运动是避免体重复胖的关键因素。不过不能只是在住家附近轻松地散散步就算是运动。美国国家体重控制注册中心的会员,资格是至少要减少30 磅(约14公斤),同时维持一年以上时间的人,平均每周靠运动消耗2800大卡,相当于每天运动90分钟,例如快走4 英里。


作者:苏珊·鲍尔曼 Susan Bowerman
M.S., R.D., C.S.S.D.


Original Text

Exercise and Weight Loss: How to make it work?

blogmarch8-exerciseEven though I’m a dietitian, my clients frequently ask me about exercise as part of their weight loss plan. Since managing weight effectively depends on calorie balance, it makes sense that we talk about not only diet (calories in), but exercise (calories out), too.  Most simply want to know how much…or, sometimes, how little…exercise they need to do in order to lose weight, or to keep off weight that they’ve already lost. So here are some of the key things I tell them about exercise and body weight:

    Trying to lose weight through increased activity alone is tough to do. To lose a pound in a week’s time – strictly through exercise – you’d need to burn up an extra 500 calories a day, above and beyond your current activity level.  That’s no small task.  You’d need to hike uphill for an hour with a 10-pound backpack or swim laps for 90 minutes – without stopping. Trying to lose weight only through increased activity – or only by cutting your calories – won’t be nearly as effective as a combination of diet and exercise.

    Cutting calories may cause your metabolic rate to drop somewhat. Your metabolic rate represents the number of calories your body burns just to keep basic processes going  - and is a big part of your ‘calories out’.  But your metabolic rate can dip a little when you cut back on your eating.  So even though your ‘calories in’ may be lower, your ‘calories out’ can drop, too – and leave you more or less in calorie balance.

    Strength training can help to increase metabolic rate.  When people think ‘exercise’, they usually think aerobic exercise, like biking, swimming or jogging.  But strength training is important, too – in part because it helps to build lean body mass, which can bump up your metabolic rate and help offset the drop in calorie burn that takes place when you cut your calories.
    It’s easy to make mistakes when counting calories – both in and out. People tend to overestimate the calorie cost of the exercise they do – and underestimate the number of calories they eat.  Which helps explain the frustration many people feel when they’re sure they’re doing ‘everything right’ – but the scale just won’t budge.

    You need a lot of exercise to lose weight, but you need even more to prevent it from coming back. Once you’ve lost it, regular activity is critical when it comes to keeping weight off.  But it takes more than a leisurely stroll around the block. Members of the National Weight Loss Registry – people who have lost at least 30 pounds and kept it off for at least a year – burn an average of about 2800 calories a week in exercise.  That’s the equivalent of about 90 minutes of exercise – like a brisk four-mile walk – every day.
    Exercise is key to good health and anything is better than nothing.  When people hear that they might need an hour or more of exercise a day to keep their weight under control, it can be a little daunting.  But don’t let the numbers discourage you.  Do what you can, do it regularly, and try to go a little farther – or work out a little harder – each time.

Written by Susan Bowerman
MS, RD, CSSD. Susan is a paid consultant for Herbalife.

Friday, March 23, 2012



1) 您省略早餐不吃,以为这样就可以减少热量摄取吗? 很多人相信不吃早餐是一种健康的习惯,而且可以控制热量摄取。吃早餐具有很多的好处。举例来说,研究显示有吃早餐习惯的人比较容易控制自己的体重。另外,精心安排的早餐能够吃到在其他时候不容易摄取到的食物-例如高纤早餐谷片和钙质强化的乳制品。如果一大早起来没办法吃太多东西时,至少可以喝一杯舒果昔或吃一小罐优格来补充身体所需的蛋白质

2) 您是否会避免在家里储放食物,因为担心自己会忍不住拿来吃? 如果您平常会在家里储放不应该吃的食物,那么这个习惯才有意义。采买齐备的冷冻室、冰箱和储藏柜反而是养成良好饮食习惯的最佳方式。当冷冻室里有像虾仁和蔬菜这类的食物,储藏柜里有青豆和全谷类,冰箱里头摆了水果、青菜和低脂乳制品时,您随时可以为自己准备健康的正餐或点心。不在家里储放食物有时会造成反效果-因为当饥饿感来袭时,您可能会在街角的便利商店或得来速随手拿起第一眼看到的任何食物来大吃一顿了。

3) 您只在健康食品商店购物吗? 这是常见的陷阱。很多人认为他们在健康食品商店购买的任何食物都对健康有益-但事实并非如此。这些店里仍有很多高脂高糖的食品在跟您招手,许多“健康”的点心却含有极高的热量。例如有机洋芋片或添加“天然”甜味剂的汽水会比一般的食物健康吗? 不要让“健康”这两个字的光环蒙蔽理智。不论在哪里购物,坚持选择加工程度最少的食物才是王道。

4) 您是否避免吃点心的习惯呢? 很多人相信吃点心是一种不好的习惯。对于当中的一些人而言,或许真的是如此,因为点心通常是洋芋片、汽水、饼干和冰淇淋这类的垃圾食物。但是妥善规划的健康点心有几个好处。当您增加白天进食频率时,您会避免在正餐前感到饥饿,所以能够减少饮食过量的风险。另外,当进食频率增加时,您也比较容易将健康的食物纳入一整天的饮食中。当您想要吃点心时,可以选择水果、一把坚果、蛋白营养点心餐条、一些低脂乳酪搭配全麦饼干,或者沾芝麻沙拉酱的生菜。

作者:苏珊·鲍尔曼 Susan Bowerman
M.S., R.D., C.S.S.D.


正确饮食的7个建议(必看)Seven Tips for Eating Right

您的新年新希望有包括要下定决心“吃对东西”吗?很多人都会在每年1月许下这个愿望,但是大概到了三月,那些旧的不良饮食习惯就又开始故态复萌。或许您曾经很努力地尝试过,也或许您从来没有好好想过“吃对东 西”到底是什么意思。正确饮食的观念不只是选择适当的食物,它还包括要 在适当的时间摄取适当的食物。以下的七个建议可以帮助您达到正确饮食的目标。

1) 起床的时候吃对东西

    您在起床后不需要马上进食,但是吃早餐真的很重要。有定时吃早餐习惯的人比较能够控制体重,而不吃早餐的人则可能会在 午餐时为了弥补前一餐没吃而进食过量。如果早上真的吃不下太多东西,那么建议您吃一碗添加少许优质蛋白质来源的燕麦粥,或是一些新鲜水果加一 匙乡村乳酪或优格,或是以优质蛋白质、牛奶及水果打成的营养蛋白奶昔。

2) 采买食品杂货前先吃对东西

    如果您空着肚子去购物,可能就像是进了糖果店的小孩一样-什么东西看起来都好想吃。在出门前先拿一份水果、一把 坚果,或是一份营养点心餐条、可以让您比较不容易受到其他食物的诱惑。 请先列好购物清单,然后尽可能切实执行。

3) 脂肪要吃得对

    我们的饮食中是需要少量的脂肪,但是大部分的人却都摄 取过多。而且有些脂肪-例如鱼肉、坚果、橄榄和酪梨-是比其他脂肪来得健康。健康的脂肪能为食物增添风味,所以建议您可以在沙拉中添加一些酪梨或坚果,或是在清蒸的蔬菜上洒一点美味的橄榄油。
4) 运动前要吃得对

    您在运动前需要补充能量-尤其是一大早起床就要开始 运动的时候。如果没有太多时间在运动前好好进食时,就可以选择一些容易 消化的食物,例如汤或优格。如果在运动前有几个小时可以消化食物,那么建议您选择一般正餐,加上充足的健康碳水化合物,例如全麦面包、糙米、面食、水果和蔬菜来维持充沛的体力。

5) 运动后要吃得对

    在充分运动后,您的身体可能会缺乏能量,所以建议您 在运动结束后30~45 分钟内尝试吃一点东西。您的肌肉需要水果、蔬菜和全谷类食物来补充原本储存的碳水化合物,也需要补充蛋白质来帮助肌肉恢 复。

6) 外食时要吃得对

    现代人三餐老是在外,不像过去只有特别场合才会外 食。外食时必须要克制冲动。如果您尝试要减少热量摄取时,可以和朋友分享一份主菜,然后再多点一份沙拉,或者多点一份蔬菜来取代高淀粉含量的配菜。请餐厅把沙拉酱和酱料另外分装,让您可以控制食用的份量。

7) 晚上吃得对

    很多人在白天吃得很少,或根本不吃正餐,但却在晚餐到睡觉前的这段时间内吃进惊人的热量。但是如果集中在晚间进食时,您的大脑和肌肉会没有办法获得足够的能量来因应日常的生理与心理活动。相反地,建议您应该将需要摄取的热量平均分配在三餐和点心之间。如果体重增加是因为爱吃宵夜的缘故,建议可以在晚餐后马上刷牙,这就是宣告今天已经不 能再吃东西的最佳方法之一。

作者:苏珊·鲍尔曼 Susan Bowerman
M.S., R.D., C.S.S.D.


Original Text 

Seven Tips for Eating Right 

Did your New Year’s resolutions include a vow to “eat right”?  Many of us make that promise to ourselves in January, but by about March we find our old eating habits sneaking back up on us. Maybe you tried to tackle too much – or maybe you hadn’t really thought about what ‘eating right’ really means.  Eating right involves more than just  making the right food choices – it’s also about eating the right foods at the right time.  So here are seven tips to help you to ‘eat right.’

 Eat right when you get up.  You don’t need to eat immediately upon awakening, but it’s really important to eat in the morning.  Those who eat breakfast regularly are better able to control their weight, while breakfast skippers are likely to over-compensate and eat too much at lunch. If you can’t face much in the morning, try a bowl of oatmeal with a bit of protein powder stirred in, some fresh fruit with a scoop of cottage cheese or yogurt, or a protein shake made with protein powder, milk and fruit.

 Eat right before you grocery shop.  If you do your shopping on an empty stomach, you’ll be like a kid in a candy store – everything will look good to you.  Grab a protein bar, a piece of fruit or a handful of nuts before you go out the door so you’ll be less tempted.  And make a list – and do your best to stick to it. 

 Eat right when it comes to fats.  We need small amounts of fat in the diet, but most of us eat too much.  And, some fats – like the ones naturally present in fish, tree nuts, olives and avocados – are healthier than others. Healthy fats add flavor, so add avocado or nuts to your salad, or a dab of flavorful olive oil to steamed veggies.

 Eat right before you work out.  You need to fuel up before your exercise – especially if you work out first thing in the morning.  If you don’t have much time to eat beforehand, easy-to-digest foods like smoothies, soups or yogurt do the trick.  If you have a few hours to digest before you head out, have a regular meal with plenty of healthy carbs – whole grain breads, brown rice, pasta, fruits and veggies – to keep you going strong. 

 Eat right after you exercise.  After a good workout, your body might be low on fuel, so try to eat something within 30-45 minutes after you finish your exercise.  Your muscles are looking to fruits, vegetables and whole grains to help replenish their stock of carbohydrates – and a shot of protein to help them recover.

 Eat right when you eat out.   We eat so many meals out these days that dining out isn’t the special occasion it used to be.  Resist the urge to splurge when you’re out.  If you’re trying to cut your calories, split an entrée with a friend and order an extra salad.  Or, skip the starchy sides and double up on veggies.  Ask for dressings and sauces on the side so you can control how much you eat.

 Eat right at night.  A lot of people eat lightly or skip meals during the day, only to eat huge amounts of calories between dinner and bedtime.  But when you do most of your eating at night, your brain and muscles don’t get the fuel they need for your daily physical and mental activities.  Instead, distribute your calories over fairly evenly over your meals and snacks.  If after-dinner snacking is piling on the pounds, try brushing your teeth right after dinner  – it’s one of the best ways to signal that you’re done eating for the day.

Written by Susan Bowerman
MS, RD, CSSD. Susan is a paid consultant for Herbalife.

*Herbalife markets products that include protein shakes and snacks, sports and fitness drinks.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


以下的是妈妈您的逻辑吗? ^^